蚌埠seo_成都小程序开发费用_清远seo_建站公司上海         service.insert(map);










关键词:消防知识宣传系统;springboot框架,Mysql 数据库


In today's society, frequent fire accidents pose a serious threat to people's lives and property safety. Therefore, strengthening the popularization and promotion of fire safety knowledge, improving public awareness of fire safety and self rescue ability, has become an urgent and important task. With the rapid development of information technology, we have utilized Java, a powerful and flexible programming language, to design and implement a "fire prevention" fire protection knowledge dissemination system.

This system is based on Java as the core technology, combined with web development, using MySQL as the database, and advanced technologies such as the Spring Boot framework to build an intuitive and interactive learning platform. Through this system, users can easily acquire rich fire protection knowledge, participate in simulation exercises, learn practical skills in fire prevention and response, and quickly and effectively take self rescue measures in case of emergencies such as fires, ensuring their own and others' safety.

We firmly believe that the widespread promotion and application of this system will significantly enhance public awareness of fire safety, reduce the incidence of fire accidents, and contribute to the harmony and stability of society. In the following content, we will provide a detailed introduction to the requirements analysis, system design, system implementation, and system testing of the system, in order to provide readers with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding.

Keywords: Fire knowledge promotion system; Springboot framework, MySQL database

